This year marks the 10th anniversary of the events that sparked the Arab Spring. Since that moment, a new regional political order has developed across the Arab region and has resulted in a progressive change in priorities in the Middle East. The…
Quest’anno ricorre il decimo anniversario degli eventi che hanno innescato laPrimavera araba. Da quel momento, un nuovo ordine politico regionale si è sviluppato in tutta la regione araba e ha portato a un progressivo cambiamento delle priorità i…
مع بدء العد التنازلي لوصول الرئيس بايدن إلى البيت الأبيض وارتفاع سقف التوقعات حول شكل التغيير القادم من واشنطن، تبقى العديد من القضايا تفرض نفسها على أجندة الرئاسة الامريكية القادمة.من وجهة نظر عملية، تبقى استراتيجية مواجهة الصين التي شكلت محور ا…
Sono molte le questioni che si imporranno all’ordine del giorno della prossima presidenza Biden. La strategia per contrastare la Cina è stata al centro della politica estera della presidenza Trump e sarà difficile per Joe Biden&nbs…
There are many issues that will impose themselves on the agenda of the incoming Biden Presidency. The strategy to counter China was the focus of the Trump presidency’s foreign policy, and it will be difficult for Biden to shift this focus. It is …
Various signs are beginning to appear that highlight the risk of the growing capacities of terrorist groups. Recent attacks in Afghanistan, Iraq and even across Africa, such as those in Somalia, suggest the movement is not limited to a single geo…
Ultimamente sono emersi numerosi segnali che mettono in risalto il rischio che i gruppi terroristici abbiano incrementato le proprie capacità offensive. In Afghanistan di recente si sono verificati diversi attacchi e lo stesso è accaduto in Iraq, in So…
All the economic indicators suggest that Jordan is approaching a critical point, and the recent financial measures taken by the government amid COVID-19 will likely create widespread economic frustration amongst large swathes of the population.Jo…
As new waves of COVID-19 are hitting around the world, Jordan is facing one of the toughest challenges. While there was a recent change in government, there are still yet to be any positive signs that there is a new capacity to deal with any of t…
Nov 15,2020 There are great expectations for a shift in US policy in the Middle East with a new Democrat administration under President-Elect Joe Biden. While there will undoubtedly be some changes in priority and conduct, a shift that meets…
Sono grandi le aspettative circa un cambiamento nella politica estera americana nello scacchiere mediorientale ora che vi è una nuova amministrazione democratica guidata dal presidente eletto Joe Biden. Anche se indubbiamente ci sa…
The terrorist attacks that targeted France a few weeks ago have expanded to the Austrian capital of Vienna. While the operation was a copy of similar attacks in Paris in 2015, there is a new style here suggesting the planning of the operation was…