Sergio Giangregorio

Sergio Giangregorio
Dr. Sergio Giangregorio


Graduated in Political Science and perfected at the University of Roma Tre in “Speculative models and educational research in multimedia interaction” I and II, intelligence analyst carries out study on risk factors that lead to political instability in the so-called critical areas and on the evolutionary profiles of hypothetical terrorist and criminal threats.

University lecturer in investigative subjects, with specific expertise on safety in urban areas, on intelligence and peacekeeping techniques, communication expert in extreme situations. Adjunct Professor at the University of Perugia – Faculty of Education – Degree Course in Sciences for Investigation and Security, in the 1st level “Security Languages” Master.

Investigative journalist, he directs the online scientific monthly “”. Engaged in research for the realization of peace processes, he has traveled extensively in conflict areas, publishing numerous essays on the subject, collaborating in Start-Up missions where social unease, insecurity and poverty tend to push local populations towards anti-democratic tendencies.

He has signed numerous reports covering the theaters of war from the Balkans to the Near East over the past few years, and he has followed the Parisian banlieues revolt closely on the European front.

He is an external member of the CNEL (National Economic and Labor Council) Expert of the Socio-Economic Crime Observatory.

He is President of CEOS (European Center for Orientation and Studies). A moral body under private law for the defense of civil rights and international protection of human rights, with particular attention to ethnic minorities and socially disadvantaged categories.

For the 220th anniversary of the Constitution of the Polish Republic, he was awarded with the C.E.J. The cerimony took place in Rome Campidoglio the 2nd May 1991.